Fonts Free license

License Information for FontFamily.Download

Last Updated: Thursday January 04, 2024

Welcome to FontFamily.Download’s License Information Page

At FontFamily.Download, we strive to offer a wide range of fonts, including free commercial and personal fonts. However, it’s important to understand the licensing terms for each font.

1. Licensing of Fonts

Fonts available on FontFamily.Download are subject to various licensing terms. While we endeavor to provide accurate categorization, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of licensing information. Fonts labeled as “free” on our website may not necessarily be free for all purposes.

2. User Responsibility

Before using any font downloaded from FontFamily.Download, it is your responsibility to verify the licensing terms. We recommend contacting the font’s owner or creator directly to confirm its suitability for your intended use, whether commercial or personal.

3. SEO and Font Listings

Please note that the term “free” is used on our website primarily for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. This aims to ensure that users searching for free fonts can easily find our website. However, it may not always accurately reflect the font’s licensing status.

4. No Liability for Misuse

FontFamily.Download cannot be held responsible for any misuse of fonts downloaded from our site. Users are responsible for adhering to the appropriate licensing terms set by the font owners.

5. Importance of Checking Font Licensing

Checking font licensing is crucial, especially for commercial projects. Unauthorized use of fonts can lead to legal issues or infringement claims. Therefore, always ensure you have the proper rights to use a font for your specific purposes.

6. Contacting Font Owners

If you’re unsure how to contact the font owner for licensing information, check the details provided with the font download or visit the owner’s website.

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